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У нас сейчас нет тех экстремальных обстоятельств, в которые были поставлены новомученики и исповедники, – может быть, отсюда и вся эта теплохладность в душах современников. Standing at your deathbed, the Apostles cried aloud in wonder: The Palace of the King withdraws: the Ark of holiness is raised Собирание чудес, явленных по молитвам преподобного Сергия Радонежского, началось с древнейших времен. Новые книги издательства Сретенского монастыря. Специальная рассылка к большим праздникам. Daniel was called to be a New Joseph to King Nebuchadnezzar. Like Joseph to Pharaoh, Daniel understood dreams and interpreted From the book Church Indestructible, published by the Moscow Sretensky Monastery. Repentance… We continue to cry about our sins even after they have been defeated. A cry about sins is the cry of Adam, who conceives his disloyalty Taking up Our Own Crosses First Homily on the Lenten Season. St. Augustine. Today we enter upon the observance of Lent, the season now presented to us in the passage of the liturgical. Saint Macarius of Alexandria was a contemporary and friend of Saint Macarius of Egypt (January 19). He was born in the year 295, and until the age of forty he was occupied in trade. Новые книги издательства Сретенского монастыря. Специальная рассылка к большим праздникам. Предыдущий Следующий. Смотри также. Patristic Testimony on the Tollhouses: the Eastern Fathers Archpriest Oleg (Stenyaev) Patristic Testimony on the Tollhouses: the Eastern Fathers Conversation. Archangel Michael. Greek icon, XIV century. Nativity Fast 2016 - Protocol N. 18/2016 Glory Be To Jesus Christ! My beloved Faithful Clergy and Laity of our God-Protected Diocese.